During a video call or interactive streaming, sharing the screen enhances communication by displaying the speaker's screen on the display of other speakers or audience members in the channel.
Screen sharing is applied in the following scenarios:
Agora provides an open-source macOS sample project on GitHub that implements screen sharing and window sharing in the ScreenShare.swift file. You can download the sample project to try it out or refer to the source code.
From v2.4.0, Agora supports the following screen sharing functions on macOS:
The macOS system assigns a unique display ID to each screen under the name CGDirectDisplayID
. With this display ID, we can implement screen sharing on macOS with the following steps:
Get the display ID for screen sharing.
If you are using versions of the SDK earlier than v3.5.2, use the system method to get the display ID:
let screenId = screen.deviceDescription[NSDeviceDescriptionKey (rawValue: "NSScreenNumber")]
For more information on display ID, see Apple deviceDescription.
If you are using the SDK v3.5.2 or later, in addition to getting the display ID with the system method, you can also get the display ID directly from sourceId
returned by the getScreenCaptureSourcesWithThumbSize
method provided by the SDK.
func initSelectScreenPicker() {
let size = NSSize(width: 100, height: 100)
let screens = agoraKit.getScreenCaptureSources(withThumbSize: size, iconSize: size, includeScreen: true)
screens.map { sources in
selectScreenPicker.picker.addItems(withTitles: sources.filter{ $0.type == .screen }.map {"\($0.sourceName)(\($0.sourceId))"})
selectScreenPicker.label.stringValue = "Screen Share".localized
Share the screen by specifying the display ID.
// Starts screen sharing.
// If your Mac device does not have an external display, display = 0 means the current Mac device screen is shared.
// If your Mac device has an external display, display = 0 means the main display is shared. The default main display is the screen of your Mac device, but you can also set the external screen as the main display.
let displayId = 0
let rectangle = CGRect.zero
let parameters = AgoraScreenCaptureParameters()
parameters.dimensions = CGSize.zero
parameters.frameRate = 15
parameters.bitrate = 1000
agoraKit.startScreenCapture(bydisplayId: displayId, rectangle: rectangle, parameters: parameters)
// Updates the screen sharing parameters.
let parameters = AgoraScreenCaptureParameters()
parameters.dimensions = CGSize.zero
parameters.frameRate = 15
parameters.bitrate = 1000
// Updates the screen sharing region.
let region = CGRect.zero
// Sets the screen sharing content hint.
// Stops screen sharing.
The macOS system assigns a unique window ID to each screen under the name CGWindowID
. With this window ID, we can implement window sharing on macOS with the following steps:
Get the window ID for window sharing.
// Swift
let windowDicCFArray = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo([.optionAll, .excludeDesktopElements], 0)
For more information on Window ID, see Apple CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo.
Share the window by specifying the window ID.
// Starts sharing the window.
let windowId = <#Your Window ID#>
let rectangle = CGRect.zero
let parameters = AgoraScreenCaptureParameters()
parameters.dimensions = CGSize.zero
parameters.frameRate = 15
parameters.bitrate = 1000
agoraKit.startScreenCapture(byWindowId: windowId, rectangle: rectangle, parameters: parameters)
// Updates the screen sharing parameters.
let parameters = AgoraScreenCaptureParameters()
parameters.dimensions = CGSize.zero
parameters.frameRate = 15
parameters.bitrate = 1000
// Updates the screen sharing region.
let region = CGRect.zero
// Sets the screen capture content hint.
// Stops sceen sharing.
method. It is still functional, but Agora no longer recommends it.AgoraScreenCaptureParameters
may affect your communication usage charges. As of v2.4.1, if you set the dimensions
parameter as default, Agora uses 1920 × 1080 to calculate your usage charges.