WatermarkOptions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in AgoraObjects.h


The options of the watermark image to be added.


Sets whether or not the watermark image is visible in the local video preview:

@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL visibleInPreview


  • YES: (Default) The watermark image is visible in preview.
  • NO: The watermark image is not visible in preview.

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The watermark position in landscape mode of Rotate the Video. This parameter contains the following members:

@property (assign, nonatomic) CGRect positionInLandscapeMode


  • x: The horizontal offset of the watermark from the top-left corner.
  • y: The vertical offset of the watermark from the top-left corner.
  • width: The width (pixel) of the watermark region.
  • height: The height (pixel) of the watermark region.

Declared In



The watermark position in portrait mode of Rotate the Video. This parameter contains the following members:

@property (assign, nonatomic) CGRect positionInPortraitMode


  • x: The horizontal offset of the watermark from the top-left corner.
  • y: The vertical offset of the watermark from the top-left corner.
  • width: The width (pixel) of the watermark region.
  • height: The height (pixel) of the watermark region.

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