AgoraRtcChannelMediaOptions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in AgoraObjects.h


The channel media options.


Determines whether to automatically subscribe to all remote audio streams when the user joins a channel.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoSubscribeAudio


  • YES: (Default) Subscribe.
  • NO: Do not subscribe.

This member variable serves a similar function to the muteAllRemoteAudioStreams method. After joining the channel, you can call the muteAllRemoteAudioStreams method to set whether to subscribe to all remote audio streams in the channel.

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Determines whether to automatically subscribe to all remote video streams when the user joins a channel.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoSubscribeVideo


  • YES: (Default) Subscribe.
  • NO: Do not subscribe.

This member variable serves a similar function to the muteAllRemoteVideoStreams method. After joining the channel, you can call the muteAllRemoteVideoStreams method to set whether to subscribe to all remote video streams in the channel.

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Sets whether to publish the local audio stream when the user joins a channel:

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL publishLocalAudio




  • YES: (Default) Publish.
  • NO: Do not publish.

This member serves a similar function to the muteLocalAudioStream method. After the user joins the channel, you can call the muteLocalAudioStream method to set whether to publish the local audio stream in the channel.

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Sets whether to publish the local video stream when the user joins a channel:

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL publishLocalVideo




  • YES: (Default) Publish.
  • NO: Do not publish.

This member serves a similar function to the muteLocalVideoStream method. After the user joins the channel, you can call the muteLocalVideoStream method to set whether to publish the local video stream in the channel.

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