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Why is the recording file split?

Type: Quality issues    Platform: Linux   Last Updated: 2021/07/06 00:41:46

During the recording process, if the recorded audio and video format is not the recording original audio and video data format, the following situations result in file splitting:

  • In the individual recording mode, a user rejoins a channel after leaving the channel, or resumes sending audio/video after not sending for a period of time. The specific rules are as follows:

    • For audio recording files:
      • The user sends the audio data again after not sending for more than 15 seconds.
      • The user rejoins the channel after leaving for more than 15 seconds.
    • For video recording files:
      • The user sends the video data again after not sending for more than 15 seconds.
      • The user changes the video resolution.
      • The user leaves and rejoins the channel.
  • In the composite recording, if the manual recording mode is set, pause and then resume recording.

If the file splits and the above situations do not apply, check the following:

  • Ensure that the same channel profile is used between the Native/Web SDK and Recording SDK.
  • Call enableWebSdkInteroperability in the Native SDK when the recording channel uses both the Native and Web SDK.