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What is the difference between Agora Live Interactive Streaming and common CDN + RTMP technologies?

Type: General product inquiry    Platform: Android / iOS / macOS / Web / Windows / Unity / Cocos Creator / 微信小程序 / Electron / React Native / Flutter / Flutter2   Last Updated: 2022/09/14 02:32:14

Most CDN + RTMP technologies for live streaming allow users to watch the live steaming in a web browser, which lowers the audience's threshold.
Agora provides a solution for SD-RTN™, host, and audience to have the same real-time communication quality as an individual line with:

  • Private voice and video coding
  • Private transport protocol
  • Private node deployment
  • Private transmission algorithms

See the following table for details:

Feature CDN + RTMP Agora Live Interactive Streaming
Video Encoding and Decoding H.264 Private
Audio Encoding and Decoding AAC Private
Transport Protocol TCP based on RTMP Private protocol based on UDP
Transmission Algorithm TCP Private algorithm for fixing packet loss and adjusting the bitrate automatically according to the current bandwidth
Picture-in-picture layout Fixed Can be adjusted dynamically

Agora also enables the function of publishing streams into the CDN for social media sharing.