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Why can't I hear the music when using Unity objects to play the music?

Type: Integration issues    Platform: Unity   Last Updated: 2022/09/14 23:29:12

Issue description

When using Unity objects like AudioSource and AudioClip to play the music on an iOS device, you may encounter the following issue:

  • Being able to hear the music at first, but no longer hearing it after joining a channel.
  • Being able to hear the music in a channel, but no longer hearing it after leaving the channel.


When you use Unity objects to play the music before joining a channel, the status of the system AudioSession is set to active. After you join or leave a channel, the Agora Unity SDK changes the status of the system AudioSession to inactive, which is why you cannot hear the music after joining or leaving a channel.


Before joining a channel, call mRtcEngine.SetParameters("{\"\":true}"); to keep the status of the system AudioSession as active. This ensures that you can hear the music, even after you join or leave a channel.