AgoraRtcEngineConfig Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in AgoraObjects.h


Configurations for the AgoraRtcEngineKit instance.


The App ID issued to you by Agora. See How to get the App ID. Only users in apps with the same App ID can join the same channel and communicate with each other. Use an App ID to create only one AgoraRtcEngineKit instance. To change your App ID, call destroy to destroy the current AgoraRtcEngineKit instance, and after destroy returns 0, call sharedEngineWithConfig to create an AgoraRtcEngineKit instance with the new App ID.

@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *appId

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The region for connection. This advanced feature applies to scenarios that have regional restrictions.

For the regions that Agora supports, see AgoraAreaCode. The area codes support bitwise operation. After specifying the region, the SDK connects to the Agora servers within that region.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger areaCode

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The configuration of the log files that the SDK outputs. See AgoraLogConfig.

@property (strong, nonatomic) AgoraLogConfig *logConfig



By default, the SDK outputs five log files, agorasdk.log, agorasdk_1.log, agorasdk_2.log, agorasdk_3.log, agorasdk_4.log, each with a default size of 1024 KB. These log files are encoded in UTF-8. The SDK writes the latest logs in agorasdk.log. When agorasdk.log is full, the SDK deletes the log file with the earliest modification time among the other four, renames agorasdk.log to the name of the deleted log file, and creates a new agorasdk.log to record latest logs.

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